WeBuild Day is a post-COVID-19 initiative to restore the activities among the developer community in Vietnam.

We are planning to organize the first WeBuild Day, an offline full-day event for developers this December 12th.

Goals of WeBuild Day

As an umbrella community with a broad network from Golang, Ruby, Rust, Elixir, Mobile, JavaScript  and with support from Google Developer Group, we want to host WeBuild Day with the following objectives:

Activities at WeBuild Day

The event is open for talks & workshops from the developer community. Talks will be for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, as well as for the interest of everyone. Our scope of talks will include a broad area, anything related to software development.

Time limit for


Schedule & Agenda

9:00 - 9:10


Han Ngo

Software Engineer #WeBuild

WeBuild Community in 2020